How to Start if You’re Currently Time and/or Financially Poor - an Interview on the YogaBody Podcast with Lucas Rockwood

Thank you Lucas Rockwood for having Joe and I on the YogaBody podcast!
Most of us have a bucket list of things we’ll do once we grow up, after the kids move out, once we’ve retired… or someday. The problem with someday is that we don’t know when or if it will ever come, and more importantly, why wait? Most of life’s richest experiences don’t cost very much at all, and most things you could start to experience immediately.
Listen and learn:
- How to find joy in everyday moments
- Why doing things you suck at but enjoy can unlock amazing experiences
- How your lowest lows can turn into peak experiences
- How to start if you’re currently time and/or financially poor
Bridget Hilton and Joe Huff are entrepreneurs and co-authors of the new book, Experiential Billionaire.
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